The Seven Eras of Rapid Transit Planning in Los AngelesBy Robert P. Sechler
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Electric Railway Historical Association of
Southern California
People have been talking about and planning
rapid transit in this region for more than seventy-five years. In
that span of time, twenty or so proposals have been generated. We
have organized this brief overview into seven, sometimes
overlapping "eras," and by focusing attention on the
most important plans, it is possible to lead one rather quickly
through a meaningful overview of what was, until a short time
ago, Los Angeless greatest non-success story. Today rail rapid transit is a large public
expense of state and national, as well as local, significance.
Such was not always the case. Between 1870 and 1910, most rapid
transit lines in America were privately financed, and during this
first era, "the era of private capital," Los Angeles
itself came tantalizingly close to acquiring rapid transit at no
cost to taxpayers. Shortly after the turn of the century, the
southern pacific railroad bought a trolley system named the Los Angeles Pacific Company.
Among the improvements the new owners contemplated
were high-speed bypasses through Hollywood, and what is now the
Wilshire District, funneling into a tunnel between Vermont Avenue
and Hill Street station. Work actually began on this ambitious
project in 1907. Local civic leaders were thrilled at the idea
of Los Angeles joining the municipal big leagues with a local
subway. Alas, their bubble burst; the financial panic of 1907 cut
off funds and construction was suspended indefinitely.
Thereafter, private financing of rapid transit was more the
exception than the rule, although electric railways remained a
booming business for many years to come. In 1911, an event called "the great
merger" took place. Several interurban trolley companies
were combined into the Pacific
Electric railway, the famous "red
car" system. Today, many people look back upon this thousand
mile, now abandoned, asset as having been a rapid transit
system that was thrown away. Well, some of the system was rapid
transit and parts of it werent. High-speed rights-of-way contrasted with slow
street running sections. During its forty-two year life as a
passenger carrier, the Pacific Electric was not a financial
success, and never had the money to reinvest back into those very
many line and rolling stock improvements which would have been
needed for real rapid transit. One noteworthy exception was the Bunker Hill
tunnel and Subway terminal; actually a starting over of the 1907
project. For the most part, the P.E. was reconciled to making do
with what it had inherited from the good old days of cheap land,
cheap materials, cheap labor and eastern money. Even as the
1920s roared on, the era of private Capital faded away. Public sponsorship of rapid transit studies in
Los Angeles began during the same year as the great merger. A
Chicago consultant, Bion J. Arnold, prepared a report to the Los
Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners, in which he recommended
several transportation improvements. Chief among the
recommendations was a complete system of downtown subways for
interurban trains. However, the outstanding feature of the Arnold
report must have boggled the contemporary imagination. He
proposed, in a corridor paralleling the shoestring annexation
strip to San Pedro, eight railroad tracks flanked by
grade-separated roads, to be known as the "auto
speedway." Such intermodal coordination was certainly
farsighted for its time, and as one can see from the dreams
eventual fulfillment, the harbor freeway and the Alameda Corridor
Project, Bion J. Arnold was a prophet without honor in southern
California. For an urban area which was growing very fast,
which suffered from lots of traffic congestion even in 1925, and
whose public transportation was of very much inconsistent
quality, the comprehensive rapid transit plan offered the hope of
a uniformly high level of mass transportation throughout the
entire region. Unfortunately, it had a lot of ultimately fatal
flaws. Its most apparent and controversial drawback
was in its vertical configuration. Although the core of the rapid
transit system was to be underground, a considerable part of the
new mileage was to be elevated over streets. Foreseeing a hostile
reaction to this idea, the consultants took great pains to
explain how judicious use of sculptured concrete could make the
overhead structures esthetically benign. In 1926, a political battle flared up over the
location of a union passenger terminal. The Southern Pacific
Railroad, the Pacific Electric, and most newspapers favored a
site around Fifth Street and Central Avenue. Included in the
Terminal layout was a sort of "initial increment" of
elevated access trackage from the Los Angeles river to the
Pacific Electric's 6th & Main Street station to
take interurban trains off the streets and out of traffic. The
Los Angeles Times favored the plaza site for the union station,
and was dead set against elevated railways. The paper
editorialized that the elevated access was but a foretaste of
horrible things to come a network of noisy, ugly
"Els" all over town! When the union station issue and
the elevated to Main Street station were put to an advisory
referendum, the people sided with the Times position, and by
implication, against any rapid transit system which included
elevated railways. Actually, the voters never got to decide on the
Comprehensive plan itself, and the Los Angeles City Council
refused to accept it. Little was done about rapid transit for a
while, although the issue was widely debated. Finally, in the
late 1920s, various interest groups decided that it was
time to get the ball rolling. A bill was introduced into the legislature to
expedite formation of tax assessment districts to finance rapid
transit lines. The Los Angeles board of city planning
commissioners, in order to get a feel for public opinion before
things moved too far ahead, held two conferences on the rapid
transit question during the first half of 1930. Most of the
papers read at these forums were favorable to the idea of a rapid
transit system, but there were also papers read which were not,
or which were hesitant, and they raised some very big questions.
Among the objections were the following: After the two conferences, the comprehensive
plan was a dead issue. Its demise can be attributed to four
factors, put succinctly: over-ambitious, over-extended,
over-priced, and overhead! The failure of the comprehensive plan did not
interrupt the search for rapid transit, which was still seen as a
pressing public need in Los Angeles during the early 1930s.
Mayor Shaw made it a campaign promise, and responding to his
mandate, the Los Angeles Central Business District association
engaged a prominent local consultant, Donald N. Baker, to come up
with a less objectionable and less costly alternative.
Bakers report, published in 1933, recommended a subway
under Hill Street and four radiating grade-separated rapid
transit rights-of-way covering the heaviest of the P.E. travel
corridors. At $30 Million, the Baker plan seemed highly
affordable, especially if a federal public works grant could pick
up a third of the tab. But it too did not come to pass. The Los
Angeles Railway sponsored its own study
of Streetcar subways to be built in conjunction with the Baker
rapid transit routes for interurban trains. What a marvelous
opportunity was passed up for Los Angeles to get a relatively
inexpensive, but highly useful mass transit infrastructure which
would be difficult to assail, and unthinkable to abandon in the
forthcoming years! The first era of grand designs went out with
the 1930s. More political attention was being devoted to
road building, for Los Angeles had become the most
automobile-oriented large city in the United States. Even
so, some of the earliest freeway plans did not ignore rapid
transit, but rather saw it as something to be built in
conjunction with super highways. One may say that the third era,
"the era of intermodal sketch planning," began in 1939,
with a report to the Transportation Engineering Board of the city
of Los Angeles. The reports author, Stone and Webster,
emphasized freeways, but definitely cited rail rapid transit as
something which would be necessary as densities increased.
Freeways should, therefore, be designed to accommodate rail
tracks, and the outer parts of the Pacific Electric should be
tied in with them. The consultants also recommended subways in
certain locations, including Wilshire Boulevard, the first
proposal for a subway under this thoroughfare. The era of intermodal sketch planning almost
became an era of construction in 1940, when the city of Los
Angeles opened the Cahuenga Pass freeway, into whose median the
P.E. tracks to the San Fernando Valley had been relocated. Many
people hoped for an extension of this intermodal concept
throughout the region. "Unimodalism" was the hallmark of the
fourth era, "the era of autopia." State highway
officials wanted no rail in their freeways, and the majority of
people were not much concerned about mass transportation, which
had become a product for the underclass, to be avoided as one
started living in the middle class. The pro-freeway forces, known
as the "highway lobby," were the "haves," and
the advocates of rail transit the have-nots. Rapid transit was
seen as a purely local financing matter. By contrast, seemingly
endless amounts of money came from state and federal gasoline tax
revenues, which were dedicated exclusively to road construction.
Nobody raised much fuss about increasing taxes for this purpose.
The highway trust funds were overflowing cups full of money.
During the era of Autopia, balanced transportation meant
"half concrete, half asphalt." The era of autopia reached a crescendo in the
1960s when ten-cent dollars from Uncle Sam added many miles
of freeway as part of the interstate system. Then, feelings began to change, construction
costs rose, people began to resist the massive condemnations
needed to cut freeways through built up areas. The environmental
movement, the OPEC cartel, and the oil embargoes increased
awareness of the ecological dis-benefits and strategic
vulnerability of the auto-dominated, unimodal transportation
system. Very suddenly, the era of autopia went from the dream of
a glittering future of limitless mobility, to an awakening to the
sober reality of today. Where did the local transit industry stand
during the era of autopia? The private operators demolished
electric railways and held on to the coats of the highway lobby
in its effort to frustrate rapid transit. The Pacific Electric
and the Los Angeles railway had become ambivalent toward rail
transit in the 1930s, although much of the rail network had
remained intact, and was invaluable during World War II. But,
with the coming of Peace, there were major policy changes. National
City Lines, a bus-minded holding
company, gained control of the Los Angeles railway and began a
program of converting the streetcar system over to buses. The
Pacific Electric then embarked on a series of large-scale rail
conversions. In 1953, it sold its passenger routes to another bus
company, Metropolitan
Coach Lines, which started to
administer a coup-de-grace on the remaining red cars. Neither
company was to deal the final blows, however. The private bus
companies viewed rail rapid transit as a losing venture and
freeways as an aid in their struggles to retain old travel
markets and gain new ones. They endorsed the concept of bus rapid
transit, although buses in mixed traffic have no competitive edge
over private automobiles. Around 1955 there were studies of busways and
bus subways, but nothing came of these, and another study of the
time concluded that buses alone could never satisfy the mass
transportation needs of Los Angeles. Public transportation
ridership declined steadily nationwide and in Southern California
in the years following the war. In spite of poor business
prospects, there were those in the transit industry who looked
forward to more than just retrenchment and marginal profits. They
reasoned that if revolutionary technologies had brought about the
automobile and air ages, might not they also usher in a
renaissance for mass transportation. Beginning in the late
1940s, some of these visionaries raised their eyes to the
skies and saw monorails. Their upward gaze started the
fifth era, "the era of futurism". By contrast, the Southern California version
was to whiz through the skies at 60 m.p.h., and carry far more
people. Doubts as to economic feasibility, unresolved engineering
questions and, very likely, aesthetic considerations, helped put
the 1954 monorail plan on the shelf with Los Angeless
growing pile of discarded rapid transit proposals. Its failure
did not lessen enthusiasm for the monorail mode, and ideas for
novel aerial railways kept coming forth from several promoters. A
German-Swedish firm named Alweg developed a variant in which
trains ride atop a single beam. In 1962, the Alweg company
installed a short but full scale pilot line between downtown
Seattle and the Worlds Fair site. A year later, the firm
was in Los Angeles with plans for a much larger 42-mile system,
costing $288 million. The promoters contended that the price
could be paid out of the farebox, but closer scrutiny of the
proposed financing mechanism suggested that this would not be so,
and the Alweg monorail took its place on the library shelf. Today, one can get a glimpse of what might have
been by visiting Disneyland and riding their monorail which has
been running since 1959. Monorails are somewhat popular in
amusement parks, but they have never caught on as the staples of
urban rapid transit networks. Among the advantages cited for pneumatic tires
were their ability to climb steeper grades than steel wheels, and
quietness. As to the latter virtue, the consultants were dead
wrong. Their prototype, the Paris Metro, which had rubber-tired
trains on two lines at the time, is a low-speed system. At low
speeds, rubber tires were quieter than steel wheels, but as
velocities increase, the advantage disappears very quickly. Each
car of a rubber-tired train has as much wheel-to-surface contact
area as a tractor-trailer rig. At the 80-mile-per-hour speeds
contemplated for the four-corridor system an eight-car train
would create an enormous racket. The era of futurism responded to autopias
glamour, rather than to its traffic congestion. People held the
belief that any "modern and up-to-date" transportation
had to fly through the skies or run on rubber tires, or do both.
Monorails and pneumatic tired trains possessed trendy images
which satisfied this misconception, and only served to divert
attention from finding workable means of getting people about
town. While technologically part of the era of
futurism, the rubber-tired train system also began era number
six, "the second era of grand designs." The era did not
start smoothly; there was great opposition to the elevated
structures, which the MTA was accused of trying to jam down
peoples throats. Seemingly, the lessons of 1925-1930 had
been forgotten. However, the authority maintained that only an
overhead system, using existing streets and other rights-of-way,
had a prayer of being self-supporting. The Metropolitan Transit Authority was in the
transit business for six years. Its accomplishments were unifying
the bus service and ending all remaining rail service. The Long
Beach interurban line closed in 1961, followed by the last
streetcars two years later. It had been hoped that rapid transit
lines would replace these abandoned facilities, but all the
people got for the study efforts were piles of paper, the
requirement for financial self-sufficiency made rail rapid
transit all but unattainable in Los Angeles. Meanwhile in the San
Francisco bay area, people had come to grips with the need for
subsidy, and had voted a property tax to help build the BART
system. Such a commitment was much harder to come by in the
Southland. Nevertheless, the states senators and
assemblymen were persuaded to exercise some leadership. So, in
1964, they reconstituted the MTA as the Southern California Rapid Transit District. The new agency bore a specific mandate to build a
rapid transit system, and possessed, subject to voter approval,
the power to levy taxes. There were some influential voices that
continued to encourage this line of thinking. In spite of the
setback at the polls, the rapid transit planning effort
continued. In 1971, SB 325 dedicated part of sales tax revenues
to subsidize transit systems. Federal Aid was also increasing,
so, with these funding sources in mind, the RTD made plans for a
"starter line" from downtown Los Angeles to Long Beach.
There were high hopes that this south central corridor would see
the first rapid transit trains; however, disagreement between the
city of Los Angeles and the county over corridor priorities
frustrated efforts. The
year 1974 was not totally disappointing for mass
transportation; the El Monte busway was opened. Whatever one may
think of buses as rapid transit, this facility was the
regions first private right-of-way for public transit
vehicles since the Long Beach rail line had ended service. A financial boost for rail came when
Californias power brokers decided to cut up a large tax pie
to provide more money for rapid transit. With the highway lobby
licking its wounds after the oil embargo, the legislators placed
upon the spring ballot "Proposition 5," which would
allow diversion of some gasoline tax revenues to fund fixed
guideway construction. For a part of the country so wedded to the
private automobile, this was a radical step, but the people went
for it. Thereafter, rail transit advocates werent
just the have-nots. After the 1974 election setback, the RTD
turned away from comprehensive rapid transit plans. There were
still some, though, who believed that the people would buy them
if they were comprehensive enough. One such person was former
county supervisor Baxter Ward.
Therefore, in 1975, representatives of elected
officials and the RTD formed a "Rapid Transit Advisory
Committee." To arrive at a consensus, this committee
designated a "rapid transit starter line corridor,"
which curved through the San Fernando Valley and down to Long
Beach; in fact, very similar to the 1951 monorail corridor.
Within and around the strip, the committee members evaluated
various combinations of buses, light rail and heavy-duty rapid
transit. Their effort marked the beginning of the seventh era,
"the era of Alternatives Analysis." Its first product was a multi-modal
"Regional Transit Development Program" (RTDP). In this
program, rail transit was to be limited for the immediate future
to a high density, right-angled corridor from downtown Los
Angeles, out Wilshire boulevard and up through Hollywood to North
Hollywood. Buses on freeways, later called "freeway
transit," would render more widespread high-speed service.
Other elements of the RTDP were improved local bus service,
called "transportation systems management," and a
downtown people mover for Los Angeles. In September of 1976, the city of Los Angeles
and the SCRTD jointly submitted an application to the Urban Mass
Transportation Administration for preliminary engineering on all
elements of the RTDP. UMTAs response three months later was
to approve preliminary engineering on the bus elements and the
people mover, but to consider only more bus vs. rail
"alternatives analysis" on the regional core element.
Therefore, in the middle of 1977, the RTD rail planning staff and
a handful of consultants began working on this compulsory
"sober second thought." After evaluating the alternatives analysis and
environmental impact statement, UMTA decided that this line was
very promising, and approved the first part of a preliminary
engineering grant in the spring of 1980. Whether one chose to
believe it or not, Los Angeles was closer than it ever had been
since 1907 to getting a subway. 1980 was a banner year for public
transportation in Los Angeles in another way. For the first time
ever, the voters approved a local tax to support transit. The Los
Angeles County Transportation commission put "Proposition A," a
½-cent sales tax increase, on the November Ballot. Against a
generally conservative drift,
the Measure passed by a comfortable 54 per cent. Because
constitutionality of the simple majority was not certain, the
matter was referred to the courts and RTD staff and consultants
carried on preliminary engineering on the rail line, which had
been named the "Metro Rail Project."
After a while,
local transit officials began to sit on the edges of their seats.
The first months of the Reagan administration did not provide
good news for mass transit. The downtown people mover was killed,
the Stockman budget proposed to phase out operating subsidies,
and for a while, even the Metro Rail Project was not a sure
thing. With the passage of time, however, Administration
officials and members of congress warmed up to the Los Angeles
subway, and more preliminary engineering money came forth.
Metro Blue Line preliminary engineering and
final design was followed by construction, resulting in the line
opening to the public on July 14, 1990, eventually running from 7th
& Flower to downtown Long Beach. The first segment of the Red Line opened to
MacArthur Park January 30, 1993, followed by extensions to
Vermont and Western along Wilshire, to Hollywood and Vine (1999)
and to Chandler boulevard in North Hollywood (2000). The entire Green Line opened between Norwalk
and Redondo Beach on August 12, 1995. The metro rail project together with the light
rail lines and the El Monte busway, provide fast, reliable mass
transportation over most of the 1959 rapid transit corridors.
Whether they will constitute the initial segments of a 160-mile
regional rail system is doubtful at this point in time. The
voters of Los Angeles County passed a measure in November 1998
banning local funding of any more subway construction and it is
thought quite unlikely that the State or Federal governments will
pay for something that the local population will not. However, if this capsule summary of transit
planning in Los Angeles tells us anything, it is that there is
nothing new under the sun, and today's dead idea is tomorrow's
bright new one. © Robert P. Sechler April 1983; text revised January 1999 |
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